

We aim to serve our world communities through non-profit and corporate partnerships to drive change.

Skills advancement development program

S.A.D.P- is a program that builds a connection between Simplr Resource Staffing Inc., and non-profit entities. The goal of the program is to provide nonprofits with access to resources (volunteers) that will assist with operational activities that will in return provide the volunteer the experience to learn and or enhance skills that can be used to further their career.

Our Commitment

We are committed to local and world communities. With each contract we receive from our business partners, we will donate a portion of the total net profit of that contract to a initiative or charity.

Percentage of the donation to either a an initiative or charity will be determined during the execution of the service contract. Maximum donation limits and percentage may vary. Simplr Resource Staffing INC, will seek suggestions for initiatives and charities from business partners but solely reserves the right to decide the initiative and or charity selection for donation,